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through your secure Google account

First connection to your SURFY platform

  1. Go to the site :


  1. Access Surfy with your secured Google account by clicking on “GOOGLE”:


  1. Choose your Google account. Once validated by your Google account, you get the following page:

nextpage 4) Clicking on buttom will prepare an email to be sent to [email protected] to inform us that you request an access to your company's Surfy plateform.


  1. Once your access has been validated and your role assigned by Surfy in relation to your company, we will confirm the validation of your access by email.

  2. Repeat steps 1) and 2).

  3. You have access to your Surfy platform according to the role assigned to you

  4. Create a bookmark in your browser so you can access Surfy directly.

  5. Happy Surfying!