Space typology
Basic properties
2d color
The color of the type of space makes it possible to differentiate each type on the 2d plan
Technical name: color
3d color
Allows you to manage the color of the type of space in 3d, this option is only applicable to the 3d vision of the floor
Technical name: color3d
The rate is a numerical value indicating the difficulty of cleaning the type of space. It is equal to the number of m² that can be treated in one hour in this type (circulation, laboratory, etc.)
Technical name: cadence
Technical name: code
The icon for the type of space makes it possible to display for this type of space an icon in 2d and 3d plans instead of the classic information on the plan, associated with the background color this makes it possible to render the more pleasant reading of the plan
Technical name: icon
Is bookable?
Check this box if this type of space can be reserved
Technical name: isBookable
Show walls
Allows you to display or not the walls of the space in the 3d floor plan, the undisplayed walls are dotted in 2d, this allows you to have a more pleasant view, especially for open spaces
Technical name: displayWallsOn3d
Space type name
Technical name: name
Associated entities (unique)
Type of cost distribution
Technical name: distributionCostType
Associated entities (list)
Associations groups of space typologies to space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeGroupToRoomTypes
Building space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeBuildings
Floor space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeFloors
Partner export transformations for space types
Technical name: partnerExportMappingToRoomTypes
Spaces are workplaces or areas in order to divide a floor into sub-spaces.
Technical name: rooms
Types of provider spaces
The types of spaces of the service providers make it possible to define a relationship between a type of space and the service provider and to define a mission.
Technical name: personCompanyToRoomTypes