Business user
Enterprise users have access to their company's Surfy platform
Basic properties
Associated entities (unique)
These are the people entered into Surfy's database
Technical name: person
Technical name: user
Associated entities (list)
Feature Families
Technical name: featureFamilyCreatedBies
Feature Families
Technical name: featureFamilyUpdatedBies
Feature Groups
Technical name: featureGroupCreatedBies
Feature Groups
Technical name: featureGroupUpdatedBies
Technical name: featureCreatedBies
Technical name: featureUpdatedBies
Structure Points
Technical name: structurePointCreatedBies
Structure Points
Technical name: structurePointUpdatedBies
Analysis layers
Technical name: dimensionCreatedBies
Analysis layers
Technical name: dimensionUpdatedBies
Analysis layers by building
Technical name: dimensionBuildingCreatedBies
Analysis layers by building
Technical name: dimensionBuildingUpdatedBies
Analysis layers per floor
Technical name: dimensionFloorCreatedBies
Analysis layers per floor
Technical name: dimensionFloorUpdatedBies
API user associations to content role
Technical name: apiUserToContentRoleCreatedBies
API user associations to content role
Technical name: apiUserToContentRoleUpdatedBies
API user associations to role
Technical name: apiUserToJupRoleCreatedBies
API user associations to role
Technical name: apiUserToJupRoleUpdatedBies
API users
Technical name: apiUserCreatedBies
API users
Technical name: apiUserUpdatedBies
Assignments to Assignment Layers
Allows you to assign a person to a district, territory or village
Technical name: dimensionToPersonCreatedBies
Assignments to Assignment Layers
Allows you to assign a person to a district, territory or village
Technical name: dimensionToPersonUpdatedBies
Associating content role to interface operations for an enterprise
Technical name: contentRoleToJupUiTenantOperationCreatedBies
Associating content role to interface operations for an enterprise
Technical name: contentRoleToJupUiTenantOperationUpdatedBies
Associations between a point and a space
The association between a point and a space makes it possible to preserve the order of the points in a space in order to constitute a polyon
Technical name: roomPointRoomCreatedBies
Associations between a point and a space
The association between a point and a space makes it possible to preserve the order of the points in a space in order to constitute a polyon
Technical name: roomPointRoomUpdatedBies
Associations groups of space typologies to space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeGroupToRoomTypeCreatedBies
Associations groups of space typologies to space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeGroupToRoomTypeUpdatedBies
Authentication rule to content role associations
Technical name: userRegistrationTenantRuleToContentRoleCreatedBies
Authentication rule to content role associations
Technical name: userRegistrationTenantRuleToContentRoleUpdatedBies
Authentication rule-to-role associations
Technical name: userRegistrationTenantRuleToJupRoleCreatedBies
Authentication rule-to-role associations
Technical name: userRegistrationTenantRuleToJupRoleUpdatedBies
Authentication rules
Technical name: userRegistrationTenantRuleCreatedBies
Authentication rules
Technical name: userRegistrationTenantRuleUpdatedBies
Building assignments
Allows you to assign a person to a building, without additional information. The assignment can be counted, or not.
Technical name: personToBuildingCreatedBies
Building assignments
Allows you to assign a person to a building, without additional information. The assignment can be counted, or not.
Technical name: personToBuildingUpdatedBies
Building cost centers
Technical name: costCenterBuildingCreatedBies
Building cost centers
Technical name: costCenterBuildingUpdatedBies
Building organizations
Technical name: organizationBuildingCreatedBies
Building organizations
Technical name: organizationBuildingUpdatedBies
Building space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeBuildingCreatedBies
Building space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeBuildingUpdatedBies
The building is used to group the floors
Technical name: buildingCreatedBies
The building is used to group the floors
Technical name: buildingUpdatedBies
Business users
Enterprise users have access to their company's Surfy platform
Technical name: userCompanyCreatedBies
Business users
Enterprise users have access to their company's Surfy platform
Technical name: userCompanyUpdatedBies
The campus is used to group buildings that are in the same location.
Technical name: campusCreatedBies
The campus is used to group buildings that are in the same location.
Technical name: campusUpdatedBies
Company User Content Roles
Technical name: contentRoleToUserCompanies
Company User Content Roles
Technical name: contentRoleToUserCompanyCreatedBies
Company User Content Roles
Technical name: contentRoleToUserCompanyUpdatedBies
Company user roles
Technical name: jupUserCompanyToJupRoles
Company user roles
Technical name: jupUserCompanyToJupRoleCreatedBies
Company user roles
Technical name: jupUserCompanyToJupRoleUpdatedBies
Content roles
Technical name: contentRoleCreatedBies
Content roles
Technical name: contentRoleUpdatedBies
Cost centers
The cost center allows spaces to be distributed dynamically for re-invoicing
Technical name: costCenterCreatedBies
Cost centers
The cost center allows spaces to be distributed dynamically for re-invoicing
Technical name: costCenterUpdatedBies
Technical name: factCreatedBies
Technical name: factUpdatedBies
Families of object types
Allows you to display objects by Family on the plans and in the pdf inventory
Technical name: itemTypeFamilyCreatedBies
Families of object types
Allows you to display objects by Family on the plans and in the pdf inventory
Technical name: itemTypeFamilyUpdatedBies
Flat scales
Technical name: mapScaleCreatedBies
Flat scales
Technical name: mapScaleUpdatedBies
Floor cost centers
Technical name: costCenterFloorCreatedBies
Floor cost centers
Technical name: costCenterFloorUpdatedBies
Floor organization
Technical name: organizationFloorCreatedBies
Floor organization
Technical name: organizationFloorUpdatedBies
Floor space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeFloorCreatedBies
Floor space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeFloorUpdatedBies
Floor space typology groups
Technical name: roomTypeGroupFloorCreatedBies
Floor space typology groups
Technical name: roomTypeGroupFloorUpdatedBies
Floors represent a work platform or a level of a building.
Technical name: floorCreatedBies
Floors represent a work platform or a level of a building.
Technical name: floorUpdatedBies
Floors included in the configuration of the transformation of partner exports
Technical name: partnerExportMappingConfigurationToFloorCreatedBies
Floors included in the configuration of the transformation of partner exports
Technical name: partnerExportMappingConfigurationToFloorUpdatedBies
Groups of building space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeGroupBuildingCreatedBies
Groups of building space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeGroupBuildingUpdatedBies
Interface operations for a business
Technical name: jupUiTenantOperationCreatedBies
Interface operations for a business
Technical name: jupUiTenantOperationUpdatedBies
Interventions on objects
The interventions of service providers on objects make it possible to define, for example, the date of a visit to a fire extinguisher
Technical name: personCompanyToItemCreatedBies
Interventions on objects
The interventions of service providers on objects make it possible to define, for example, the date of a visit to a fire extinguisher
Technical name: personCompanyToItemUpdatedBies
Layer Types
Technical name: dimensionTypeCreatedBies
Layer Types
Technical name: dimensionTypeUpdatedBies
The legend allows you to configure the properties visible when the plan is saved as an image
Technical name: legendCreatedBies
The legend allows you to configure the properties visible when the plan is saved as an image
Technical name: legendUpdatedBies
Message hosts for pop-up window
A pop-up message host is an element that allows you to communicate with a pop-up window opened on the actions in the plan.
Technical name: openerPostMessageHostCreatedBies
Message hosts for pop-up window
A pop-up message host is an element that allows you to communicate with a pop-up window opened on the actions in the plan.
Technical name: openerPostMessageHostUpdatedBies
Object movements
Technical name: itemFactCreatedBies
Object movements
Technical name: itemFactUpdatedBies
Object type manufacturers
Technical name: manufacturerCreatedBies
Object type manufacturers
Technical name: manufacturerUpdatedBies
Object types
Technical name: itemTypeCreatedBies
Object types
Technical name: itemTypeUpdatedBies
Object types in workstation type
Technical name: workplaceTypeItemTypeCreatedBies
Object types in workstation type
Technical name: workplaceTypeItemTypeUpdatedBies
Object-to-person associations
Allows you to associate an object with a person (ergonomic seat, locker)
Technical name: itemToPersonCreatedBies
Object-to-person associations
Allows you to associate an object with a person (ergonomic seat, locker)
Technical name: itemToPersonUpdatedBies
Technical name: itemCreatedBies
Technical name: itemUpdatedBies
Organizations have two hierarchical levels: departments and services, and help define the organizational structure of the company.
Technical name: organizationCreatedBies
Organizations have two hierarchical levels: departments and services, and help define the organizational structure of the company.
Technical name: organizationUpdatedBies
Partner API keys
Technical name: partnerApiCredentialCreatedBies
Partner API keys
Technical name: partnerApiCredentialUpdatedBies
Partner export transformation configurations
Technical name: partnerExportMappingConfigurationCreatedBies
Partner export transformation configurations
Technical name: partnerExportMappingConfigurationUpdatedBies
Partner export transformations for space types
Technical name: partnerExportMappingToRoomTypeCreatedBies
Partner export transformations for space types
Technical name: partnerExportMappingToRoomTypeUpdatedBies
These are the people entered into Surfy's database
Technical name: personCreatedBies
These are the people entered into Surfy's database
Technical name: personUpdatedBies
People's work locations
A workplace of people defines the workplace of people
Technical name: personWorkingLocationCreatedBies
People's work locations
A workplace of people defines the workplace of people
Technical name: personWorkingLocationUpdatedBies
Person-to-person relationships
Technical name: personToPersonCreatedBies
Person-to-person relationships
Technical name: personToPersonUpdatedBies
Personal safety profiles
Allows you to define the different security profiles that can be associated with people
Technical name: personSecurityProfileCreatedBies
Personal safety profiles
Allows you to define the different security profiles that can be associated with people
Technical name: personSecurityProfileUpdatedBies
Personal work places
Technical name: workplaceCreatedBies
Personal work places
Technical name: workplaceUpdatedBies
Points of object types
Technical name: itemTypePointCreatedBies
Points of object types
Technical name: itemTypePointUpdatedBies
Points of spaces
Technical name: roomPointCreatedBies
Points of spaces
Technical name: roomPointUpdatedBies
Proprietary buildings
Buildings owned by the user
Technical name: buildingOwners
Provider object types
The service provider object types make it possible to define a relationship between the object type and the service provider and to define the mission.
Technical name: personCompanyToItemTypeCreatedBies
Provider object types
The service provider object types make it possible to define a relationship between the object type and the service provider and to define the mission.
Technical name: personCompanyToItemTypeUpdatedBies
Reservations at people's workstations
People's workstation reservations are recorded and available with reservation start and end dates
Technical name: personToWorkplaceBookingCreatedBies
Reservations at people's workstations
People's workstation reservations are recorded and available with reservation start and end dates
Technical name: personToWorkplaceBookingUpdatedBies
Reservations for the people area
Reservations for people's spaces are recorded and available with the reservation start and end dates
Technical name: personToRoomBookingCreatedBies
Reservations for the people area
Reservations for people's spaces are recorded and available with the reservation start and end dates
Technical name: personToRoomBookingUpdatedBies
Reservations on the people assignment layer
Reservations to people assignment layers are recorded and available with reservation start and end dates
Technical name: personToDimensionBookingCreatedBies
Reservations on the people assignment layer
Reservations to people assignment layers are recorded and available with reservation start and end dates
Technical name: personToDimensionBookingUpdatedBies
Role associations of content to buildings
Technical name: contentRoleToBuildingCreatedBies
Role associations of content to buildings
Technical name: contentRoleToBuildingUpdatedBies
Role associations of content to floors
Technical name: contentRoleToFloorCreatedBies
Role associations of content to floors
Technical name: contentRoleToFloorUpdatedBies
Segment qualifications
Technical name: roomPointSegmentCreatedBies
Segment qualifications
Technical name: roomPointSegmentUpdatedBies
Service companies
The service provider company allows you to manage service provider personnel by company to which they belong
Technical name: personCompanyCreatedBies
Service companies
The service provider company allows you to manage service provider personnel by company to which they belong
Technical name: personCompanyUpdatedBies
Space analysis layers
Technical name: dimensionRoomCreatedBies
Space analysis layers
Technical name: dimensionRoomUpdatedBies
Space assignments
Allows you to assign a person to a single space
Technical name: roomAffectationCreatedBies
Space assignments
Allows you to assign a person to a single space
Technical name: roomAffectationUpdatedBies
Space connectors
Space connectors allow you to create a link between several spaces on different floors
Technical name: roomConnectorCreatedBies
Space connectors
Space connectors allow you to create a link between several spaces on different floors
Technical name: roomConnectorUpdatedBies
Space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeCreatedBies
Space typologies
Technical name: roomTypeUpdatedBies
Spaces are workplaces or areas in order to divide a floor into sub-spaces.
Technical name: roomCreatedBies
Spaces are workplaces or areas in order to divide a floor into sub-spaces.
Technical name: roomUpdatedBies
Status of persons
Allows you to define all types of contracts between people and the company
Technical name: personStateCreatedBies
Status of persons
Allows you to define all types of contracts between people and the company
Technical name: personStateUpdatedBies
Technical name: structureCreatedBies
Technical name: structureUpdatedBies
Transformations of partner exports
Technical name: partnerExportMappingCreatedBies
Transformations of partner exports
Technical name: partnerExportMappingUpdatedBies
Types of building assignment layers
Building assignment layer types are used to define the different types of building assignment layers. By associating an assignment layer type with a building, this allows an analysis layer to be transformed into an assignment layer.
Technical name: dimensionTypeToBuildingCreatedBies
Types of building assignment layers
Building assignment layer types are used to define the different types of building assignment layers. By associating an assignment layer type with a building, this allows an analysis layer to be transformed into an assignment layer.
Technical name: dimensionTypeToBuildingUpdatedBies
Types of buildings
Technical name: buildingTypeCreatedBies
Types of buildings
Technical name: buildingTypeUpdatedBies
Types of cost distribution
Technical name: distributionCostTypeCreatedBies
Types of cost distribution
Technical name: distributionCostTypeUpdatedBies
Types of Fact
Technical name: factTypeCreatedBies
Types of Fact
Technical name: factTypeUpdatedBies
Types of provider spaces
The types of spaces of the service providers make it possible to define a relationship between a type of space and the service provider and to define a mission.
Technical name: personCompanyToRoomTypeCreatedBies
Types of provider spaces
The types of spaces of the service providers make it possible to define a relationship between a type of space and the service provider and to define a mission.
Technical name: personCompanyToRoomTypeUpdatedBies
Types of relationship between people
Technical name: personToPersonTypeCreatedBies
Types of relationship between people
Technical name: personToPersonTypeUpdatedBies
Types of workstations
Technical name: workplaceTypeCreatedBies
Types of workstations
Technical name: workplaceTypeUpdatedBies
Workstation assignments
Allows a fixed workstation to be assigned to a person
Technical name: workplaceAffectationCreatedBies
Workstation assignments
Allows a fixed workstation to be assigned to a person
Technical name: workplaceAffectationUpdatedBies