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Building space typology

Basic properties

Carbon footprint

The carbon footprint is the number of CO2 emitted

Technical name: carbonFootprint

Expansion rate

Allows to know the rate of use of workstations, it is the inverse of the number of people affected divided by the number of workstations

Technical name: expansionRatio

Number of assignments

Technical name: peopleCount

Number of flex positions

Total number of flex positions

Technical name: flexWorkplacesCount

Number of seats

The total number of seats

Technical name: seatsCount

Number of shared workstations

Total number of workstations shared by at least 2 people

Technical name: sharedWorkplacesCount

Number of spaces

The total number of spaces

Technical name: roomsCount

Number of transit workstations

Number of temporary workstations, these positions are not counted in free positions and are not flex

Technical name: transitWorkplacesCount

Number of vacancies

Total number of vacancies

Technical name: freeWorkplacesCount

Number of workstations

The total number of workstations in the spaces

Technical name: workplacesCount

Occupancy rate

Allows you to know the occupancy rate of workstations, it is the number of people assigned divided by the number of workstations

Technical name: occupancyRate

Occupancy ratio

The occupancy ratio is the number of square meters divided by the number of people assigned either directly to the spaces or via a workstation

Technical name: peopleRatio

Qualified surface

The qualified surface is the sum of the surfaces of the spaces

Technical name: roomsArea

Rate of flex workstations

The flex workstation rate is calculated by dividing the number of flex workstations by the total number of workstations

Technical name: flexRatio

Rate of seats per workstation

The rate of places per workstation is the total capacity of the spaces divided by the number of workstations, this allows us to understand the rate of places according to the number of workstations

Technical name: totalCapacityWorkplaceCountRatio

Rate of shared workstations

Percentage of workstations shared by at least 2 people compared to all workstations

Technical name: sharedWorkplacesRatio

Seating rate by assignment

The number of seats per person affected

Technical name: seatsPeopleRatio

Total capacity

The total seat capacity is the sum of the number of seats and the non-seated capacity at the space level.

Technical name: totalCapacityCount

Total number of assignments

The total number of people assigned, either directly assigned to spaces or through a workstation

Technical name: totalPeopleCount

Workstation ratio

The workstation ratio is the number of square meters divided by the number of workstations

Technical name: workplacesRatio

Associated entities (unique)


The building is used to group the floors

Technical name: building

Space typology

Technical name: roomType