Analysis layer per floor
Basic properties
Carbon footprint
The carbon footprint is the number of CO2 emitted
Technical name: carbonFootprint
Expansion rate
Allows to know the rate of use of workstations, it is the inverse of the number of people affected divided by the number of workstations
Technical name: expansionRatio
Number of assignments
The number of people assigned, either directly assigned to spaces, or through a workstation for this floor
Technical name: peopleCount
Number of flex positions
Total number of flex positions
Technical name: flexWorkplacesCount
Number of seats
The total number of seats
Technical name: seatsCount
Number of shared workstations
Total number of workstations shared by at least 2 people
Technical name: sharedWorkplacesCount
Number of spaces
The total number of spaces
Technical name: roomsCount
Number of transit workstations
Number of temporary workstations, these positions are not counted in free positions and are not flex
Technical name: transitWorkplacesCount